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歡迎進入香港元宇宙神的教會! Welcome!

香港元宇宙教會 MetaChurch – Hong Kong

香港元宇宙教會是一個虛擬但實在的基督教信仰群體,成為宇宙中萬國萬族萬民的祝福。元宇宙是一個平行於實體的數碼空間,是一個勢不可擋將實體空間、距離與物種的非物質化的空間。香港元宇宙教會致力在元宇宙中發展成為海內外華人聚會的地方。 MetaChurch Hong Kong is A virtual Reality Church in the MetaVerse.


MetaXhurch Hong Kong, A virtual Reality Church in the MetaVerse
MetaChurch- Hong Kong welcomes you!

我們是誰? 為什麼存在? Who are we? Why are we here?


We are committed to building an authentic community and cultivating a real-world faith that produces meaningful impacts on all nations, all people, and all cities in our universe.

我們相信: 神的教會在地上的使命要由事工導向、服事信徒導向,狹義的福音救贖導向,轉向城市及普世宣教導向、基督及聖靈權能帶領導向、廣義福音導向。

We believe that the mission of the Church of God on earth should be ministry-oriented, serving believers, narrowly oriented towards gospel redemption, turning to urban and universal mission orientation, Christ and the Holy Spirit’s powerful leadership, and broad gospel orientation.



What is the MetaVerse?

The Metaverse is a digital space parallel to the physical in which human beings can create, embed, connect and immerse themselves, enjoying individual and collective social, work-life, entertainment, shopping, gaming, activity, creation, collaboration, A virtual world space for learning, teaching, training, sharing and escaping life. The Metaverse already exists, and it is not limited to 2D and 3D digital space. It is an overwhelming space that dematerializes physical space, distance, and species.

香港元宇宙教會的神學願境 The Theological Vision of the MetaChurch Hong Kong

MetaVerse Church Hong Kong welcomes you.
MetaVerse Church in Hong Kong

新挑戰 New Challenges

  • 元宇宙教會是這世代香港教會轉型、持續發展的一個不可抗逆、不可怠慢的新挑戰。 The Metaverse Church is an irresistible new challenge for the transformation and sustainable development of churches in Hong Kong.
  • 元宇宙是神容許創造的新空間,讓元宇宙教會信徒馮信心在此空間來敬拜、宣教、經歷聖靈、榮耀祂。The Metaverse is a new space that God allows us to create. Believers of the Metaverse Church, can worship, preach, experience the Holy Spirit, in faith, and glorify Him in this space.

新科技運作 New Technology Platform

  • 元宇宙教會不是一種潮流科技時髦的應用和實錢;不是用來取替實體教會的功能和運作;不是給信徒不同的化身以宣洩情慾; The Metaverse Church is not a fashionable application of trendy technology; nor is it used to replace the function and operation of the physical church; it is not to give believers in different avatars to express their desires;
  • 元宇宙教會能應用科技,虛擬實體一體化,打破信徒地域、時空、不同屬靈生命旅程中人,彼此互相連結,及與神建立關係的局限; The Metaverse Church can apply technology, integrate virtual entities, and break the limitations of believers in regions, time and space, and people in different spiritual life journeys, connecting with each other, and establishing a relationship with God;
  • 元宇宙教會必須扮演先知/先見/先行者的角色,從實踐中學習和進步,帶領華人教會的更新和改革。The Metaverse Church must play the role of prophet/seeker/forerunner, learn and progress from practice, and lead the renewal and reform of Chinese churches.
  • VR/AR 技術是目前的入門技術。在未來的元宇宙,應會趨向國際共享的科技平台,讓人更人性化、更易操作地穿梭於不同的元宇宙平台之內。VR/AR technology is the current entry technology. In the future metaverse, it should tend to be an international shared technology platform, allowing people to travel between different metaverse platforms in a more humane and easier-to-operate manner.

新目標對象 New Target Parish

  • 元宇宙教會需要吸引並接觸青年人,以及那些宇海內未得之民(The Unreached),包括那些離開教會或/及不能在週六日教會崇拜時段參與的信徒(The Unchurched) 。 初期他們包括:The Metaverse Church needs to attract and reach out to young people, as well as those who are unreached (The Unreached), including those who have left the church or/and are unable to participate in Saturday and Sunday church services (The Unreached). Initially, they included:
  • 熱衷科技及遊戲的青少年人, Teenagers who are keen on technology and games,
  • 職場中智識份子、有經濟能力投資於元宇宙器材產品人士、Intellectuals in the workplace, those who have the financial ability to invest in Metaverse equipment products,
  • 對科技有興趣之企業東主和員工、及 Business owners and employees who are interested in technology, and
  • 使命營商的企業先行者。A corporate pioneer in mission business.

新信徒關係文化 New Disciples’ Relational Culture

  • 元宇宙教會應給信徒更緊密,更能建立起教會門徒的連系;The Metaverse Church should bring believers closer and more able to establish the connection of church disciples;
  • 元宇宙教會應結合成新的跨地域、文化、年齡、種族、時空的信徒的禱告、敬拜、差傳、服事世界、影響世界的新文化; The Metaverse Church should combine new culture of prayer, worship, mission, serving the world, and influencing the world of believers across regions, cultures, ages, races, time and space;
  • 元宇宙教會應鼓勵平信徒參與,尋求神,經歷聖靈,與神相遇,發揮積極、主動、創意,歸屬感融入元宇宙生活 ; The Metaverse Church should encourage laypeople to participate, seek God, experience the Holy Spirit, encounter God, be active, active, creative, and integrate a sense of belonging into the life of the Metaverse

新福音宣教平台 New Evangelistic Mission Platform

  • 元宇宙是基督與魔鬼屬靈層面的新戰場。基督精兵不佔領,就被邪惡勢力佔領,成為魔鬼的平台。相反,元宇宙的虛擬及實體混合空間,可以成為新的傳福音、和宣教的戰場,建立門徒,訓練基督大使屬靈成長的地方。The Metaverse is a new battleground between Christ and the devil in the spiritual dimension. If the elite soldiers of Christ do not occupy it, they will be occupied by evil forces and become a platform for the devil. Instead, the virtual and physical hybrid spaces of the Metaverse can become new evangelistic and missionary battlegrounds, where disciples are built, and where Christ’s ambassadors are trained to grow spiritually.
  • 元宇宙教會起初能給予海內外華人,及華人教會新的教會發展參與空間,並在未來與從事通訊、科技、福音事工的機構在宇宙空間合作共謀。At first, Metaverse Church can give Chinese and Chinese churches at home and abroad a new space for church development and participation, and in the future, it will cooperate with organizations engaged in communication, technology, and evangelism in the space of the universe.

新敬拜文化 New Worship Culture

  • 元宇宙教會應給信徒更更廣闊、打破時限、區域限制的敬拜時段及空間。 The Metaverse Church should give believers a wider worship period and space that breaks time and regional restrictions.
  • 元宇宙教會可提提供個人、小組、會眾,跨文化、跨語言的敬拜,以心靈和誠實進入神的同在。The Metaverse Church can offer individual, small group, congregational, cross-cultural, cross-language worship and access to God’s presence in spirit and honesty.

新面貌但保留不變的教會傳統 New Wine in Traditional Church

新面貌 New Face

  • 教元宇宙會內應以突破目前第二代教會的局限和傳統為目的,以新皮袋盛載舊酒的形式存在 。 The purpose of the Metaverse Church is to break through the limitations and traditions of the current second-generation church, and exist in the form of old wine in new leather bags;
  • 元宇宙教會能在未來宇宙空間使人認識教會是基督身體,使人看見、使人在其中經歷聖靈、感受到聖靈的臨在和帶領,基督在宇宙、在虛擬和實體的空間內同得歌頌和榮耀。The metaverse church can make people know that the church is the body of Christ in the future universe so that people can see and experience the Holy Spirit, and feel the presence and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Christ will be praised in the universe, in virtual and physical space, and in glory.

聖靈權能 Spiritual Power

  • 元宇宙教會內的信徒要更能經歷聖靈的同在,以致教會能彰顯聖靈的權能,使基督的名被認識和傳頌; Believers in the metaverse church should be able to experience the presence of the Holy Spirit more so that the church can manifest the power of the Holy Spirit and make the name of Christ known and proclaimed;

與神關係: Relationship with God

  • 元宇宙教會的信徒應更真實的與上帝連繫,以心靈和真理敬拜和禱告。Believers in the metaverse church should be able to experience the presence of the Holy Spirit more so that the church can manifest the power of the Holy Spirit and make the name of Christ known and proclaimed;

連絡方法 To Connect, Please email or call

Augustine Chow 周志堅傳道

Tel: (852) 9123-4196 Email: [email protected] Website: https://MetaChurch-hk.org

October 2024